Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Setelah opmod merampungkan vers4 4.2 kini opmod kembali lagi merilis versi terbarunya yang masih beta yaitu versi 4.21. Adapun fitur2 baru yang ditambahkan Dalam versi ini diantaranya adalah Copy teks di halaman seperti pada
Opera Mini 5 atau 6.



Cara menggunakan
fitur copy paste teks tekan Menu => Page => Content =>
Select text. arahkan kursor dimana teks akan dicopy. Tekan Menu => Mark Arahkan kursor kesamping atau kebawah untuk mengcopy teks, klik Menu => Copy.

Fitur lain yang ada di opmod 4.21 diantaranya:

1. User Mode => to customize opera background and
text/link color
2. Free Copy features => to select and copy text
directly from its opened webpage

List of Changes:

=> Selecting and copying text directly from the page.
=> User mode. Added 2 values in “ Change Skin ”
= Added a couple of server commands.
=> The “ Office ” in the bookmarks renamed to
“ Menu ” .
=> In the lists of color for the selected item depends
on the color in item values 49th and 50th
=> If the start of the program, it is impossible to
create a bookmark, the program will start with built-
in tabs. Also, with the other errors the program will
attempt to run 3 times, and if that fails, there will be
an automatic closed.
=> Reset selected bookmarks when creating / editing,
and sorting.

=> optimization.
=> Edit delete favorites in the file manager. Edit
checking the validity of the file name when saving.
=> Edit sorting tabs.
=> Edit move bookmarks into an empty folder.
=> Edit menu processing on the download page
(“ Open ” , “ Save “…) .
=> Edit display information about the link.
=> When you delete a text from multibufera, changes
were not saved.
=> If you change the color scheme, will open earlier
pages have not been updated for the new color
=> overrun the list of typed addresses, delete the
new address entered, not the oldest.
=> in download manager changed to work with
cookies (Recommendation: for some sites, favoring
instead of downloading the page, you can try to start
the download again from the status window.
Cookies in this case should be included and pre-
requested from the server)
=> Off the opening of the field enter the address for
the transition in the download status window.
=> In the “ About ” incorrectly indicates the size of the
screen vertically.

HandlerUI Additional Feature:
- Remove Links
- Zero Navigation




Thanks to:

Post by: http://ponsel-tips.blogspot.com


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